
4 Tips To Follow When Your Private Area Starts Itching

Like any body part, our private areas can also suffer from intense itching. However, the possible reasons behind this itch can be quite different from the cause of itching for the rest of your body.

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Our private area, especially the one down there, can be more prone to skin conditions. This is because the skin surrounding and covering our genitalia is thinner and more sensitive. Thus, it is only right for us to give it a little extra care than the rest of our skin.

However, when worse comes to worst, itching in your private area can sometimes be inevitable. Between men and women, the latter is more susceptible to genital itching and rash. While there can be a lot of reasons why it happens, every woman who suffers from it seeks itching relief in the vaginal areas.

But how can they relieve the itch? Are there some tips one should follow when experiencing vaginal itch? Well, in this article, we’ll find out.

Vaginal Health Tips to Follow: How to Stop Itching Down There?

  1. Know the Cause of Vaginal Itching

To alleviate yourself from the discomfort of vaginal itching, the first thing you should know is its root cause. Itching of the vagina can be a result of various hygiene and health problems. Here are some of its main causes.

  • Poor Vaginal Hygiene

The female genitalia is more exposed than that of men. Its opening is also much bigger, making it more vulnerable to many infections and even dirt. Although the vagina is self-cleansing, the outer region, such as the vulva, should be taken care of.

If the outer region of a woman’s private part is not cleaned properly, the accumulation of dirt and natural waste could lead to irritation and vaginal itching. Regularly washing the area with water helps in preventing such scenarios.

Sometimes, the infection does happen even after keeping the area clean. If you experience any discomfort, immediately seek guidance from a Gynecologist. To find the right Gynecologist, visit ArabiaMD.

  • Direct Contact with Irritants

Chemical irritants are often found in products we use daily and can go undetected. That is, of course, until we see the problems it can cause, such as vaginal itching. Along with itching, these chemicals can make your private area red and sore. It can also lead to contact dermatitis in extreme cases.

As stated above, washing your genitalia with plain water is enough. Doing so prevents contact with chemical irritants such as fragrance and alcohol often found in feminine wash. It will also be beneficial to read the ingredients of your body wash and shampoo.

  • Underlying Skin Problems

People with dry skin are inclined to experience itching in different parts of their bodies. This is because they lack the skin moisture that acts as a barrier to external irritants. People with existing skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema tend to experience the worst itch.

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections

STIs can easily cause vaginal itching. These infections, however, can be treated with antivirals or antibiotics. When the infection is cured, expect the itch to go away with it.

Sexually transmitted infections can be prevented if you and your partner are in a monogamous relationship. If that’s not the case, using condoms can save you from suffering vaginal itch due to STIs.

  • Yeast Infection and Bacterial Vaginosis

Contrary to what most people believe, yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis aren’t necessarily sexually transmitted. Even a non-sexually active woman could fall victim to these infections for several reasons. It is best to talk to your OBGYN if you suspect to have them.

  • Stress

Believe it or not, stress can cause many health issues, especially if you are under pressure for an extended period. This is true for both emotional and physical stress.

When a woman is under constant stress, her immune system weakens, making her more susceptible to bacteria and infections that can cause itching. Although these infections can easily be treated, they will only come back if stress is always present as the root cause.

  • Menopause

Menopause can be the root cause of vaginal itching since it reduces the ability of the vagina to produce its natural fluids. Since these fluids keep the balance and clean your genitals, it could result in itching when it dries up.

  1. Look For Natural Cure for Private Part Itching

Vaginal itching can be cured naturally if and only if the root cause of the discomfort is not medical related. Thus, it is important to know the source of the problem.

Vaginal itching induced by chemical irritants or tight clothes can easily be solved by simply swapping out the things you use. You can also drink probiotics supplements and eat yogurts to strengthen your vagina’s defense system.

However, natural cures and home remedies aren’t the best ideas if the itch is rooted in underlying medical conditions.

  1. Check Out Good Vaginal Itching Creams

Vaginal itching caused by yeast infections or skin problems can be cured using effective vaginal itching creams. There are a lot of vaginal itching creams available that do not require any prescription, as these creams do not contain any steroids.

Femiclear, for instance, is a good choice for vaginal itching relief as it is organic, irritant-free, and steroid-free. Its formulation doesn’t burn when applied, unlike traditional vaginal itching ointments.

  1. Know When to See a Doctor

When all options fail, your last resort is to go to your doctor to have your genitals checked. One must pay attention to their vaginal health closely to know when to see a doctor. In such cases, urgency is a must to prevent the situation from getting worse.


Soothing the itching of the vagina is easier said than done. There are many things to consider before you can alleviate the discomfort. You must first know the root cause and try minimal changes to your lifestyle, such as using cotton underwear.

While there are many home remedies you can do and over-the-counter vaginal itching creams you can buy, you must know when to seek a doctor’s help, especially when the itching persists.

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