Do I Qualify to File for a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit?

Ruby McKenzie
4 Min Read

Over the past few decades, thousands of veterans, civilian workers, and their families have experienced health problems because of exposure to toxic substances in the water at Camp Lejeune. The Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that up to 900,000 individuals were exposed over a period of more than 30 years. These contaminants include volatile organic compounds (VOCs), perchloroethylene (PCE), benzene, methylene chloride, vinyl chloride, and toluene.  Dangerous chemicals that people should not be subjected to. Those who may have been exposed to these hazardous toxins are eligible to file a lawsuit for compensation.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to file a claim under the VA’s Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Members Exposed to Contaminants at Camp Lejeune, you must meet set criteria. This includes having been enrolled in the U.S. military on active duty or as a reserve, National Guard member, a civilian employee – or as a family member of any of these individuals. Additionally, individuals must have resided at Camp Lejeune for a cumulative period of 30 days or more between 1953 and 1987. Supposed victims also need to prove that their health has been affected due to exposure to the contaminants. Some of the most common ailments that have since been associated with the exposure include multiple types of cancers and other illnesses such as reproductive issues, birth defects, nerve damage, and skin problems.

How to File a Claim for Compensation

If you believe you may be eligible for compensation related to the exposure, with the assistance of the disability and cancer lawyers at Riddle and Brantley there are steps you can take to file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit. First, you will need to gather evidence of your eligibility, such as documentation of your military service or employment at the base, or evidence of your residency at affected camps during the specified exposure timeframe. As mentioned before, medical evidence is also necessary and can include medical records, doctor’s notes, or lab results that demonstrate how your health has been affected by the contamination.

Once you have gathered the necessary evidence, you can file a claim with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or the Department of Labor (DOL), depending on your eligibility status. To file for compensation via FECA (Federal Employees’ Compensation Act) benefits, you will need to complete Form CA-1 (for traumatic injuries) and Form CA-2 (for occupational-related illnesses), which can be found on the DOL’s website. It is important to note that FECA benefits are only available for federal employees. Therefore, if you are not a federal employee, there may be other avenues for compensation available to you, such as the Veterans Affairs Program. When filing your claim, be sure to include all relevant evidence and documentation. The process for reviewing and processing claims can be lengthy, so it is also important to be patient and persistent in following up on the status of your claim.


You shouldn’t settle for less than you deserve, especially when it comes to health-related issues caused by environmental exposure. If you have been affected by the toxic water contamination at the affected military bases, you may be entitled to compensation. And you should file a claim as soon as possible. Be sure to consult an attorney who specializes in these types of claims, as they will help with navigating the process and understanding your options. They will make sure that you get the justice that you deserve.

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