The Collections tab acts like a record of which items have been discovered or shipped and in what quantities. Items...
The Old Mariner is a character that appears on the east side of the Beach. He sells the Mermaid's Pendant,...
The Herring is a fish that can be caught in the ocean at The Beach or on the Beach Farm...
The Plasma TV is a piece of furniture. It can be purchased from the Carpenter's Shop for 4,500g after upgrading...
The Cave Carrot is found via foraging in The Mines. It can also be found in Garbage Cans. Large quantities...
The Solid Gold Lewis statue can be obtained by solving the puzzle depicted in Secret Note #19. Use right-click to...
The Preserves Jar is a type of Artisan Equipment used to make Artisan Goods. Fruit makes Jelly, Vegetables make Pickles,...
Wheat is a vegetable crop that grows from Wheat Seeds after 4 days. Wheat is harvested using a Scythe or...
The Mill is a farm building purchasable from Robin at the Carpenter's Shop. It produces flour from wheat, sugar from...
The stone statue of Old Master Cannoli is located in the northwest corner of the Secret Woods. Before obtaining a...
Corn is a vegetable crop that grows from Corn Seeds after 14 days Information SeedCorn SeedsGrowth Time14 daysSeasonSummer • FallXP10 farming...
A Scarecrow is a craftable item that prevents crows from eating crops. Scarecrows can be crafted at Farming level 1....
Refined Quartz is created by smelting 1 Quartz in a furnace with 1 coal for fuel. 1 Fire Quartz can...
The Statue of Endless Fortune is a piece of Furniture that can be purchased for 1,000,000g from an NPC in...
The Duck Feather is an animal product obtained from a Duck with sufficient friendship, mood, and daily luck. It can...
Solar Essence is a Monster Loot item which is dropped from the Ghost, Iridium Bat, Metal Head, Metal Head (dangerous),...
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