
Effective Ways to Reduce Vandalism to Your Commercial Property

Tasked with managing or owning a commercial building, whether you rent out separate spaces to individual businesses, or conduct your own business from said property, is certainly a multi-faceted responsibility that is not without its potential pitfalls.

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Amongst many other concerns, vandalism to either the ground around your building or the property itself is always something to keep in mind, particularly if it is left unattended at night. With this in mind, continue reading to learn some effective ways to reduce vandalism to your commercial property.

Security Perimeter Fencing

A professionally installed security fence around the perimeter of your commercial property is an absolute necessity for the following reasons to name just a few:

  • An impressively effective deterrent for vandals and thieves
  • A way to reduce the insurance on premiums
  • Privacy for your customers, clients as well as your employees
  • Peace of mind when the property is empty
  • Reassurance

Use Nature to Your Advantage

Believe it or not, one of the easiest ways to make it as conversely difficult as possible for intruders to enter your property is one of the most natural; choosing plants and shrubs carefully to add an extra barrier between the public sidewalk and your private building.

Always choose plants with sharp branches, needles, and thorns and look for evergreen varieties which grow large and strong for maximum coverage, protection, and security.

A Mosquito System

If technology is more your kind of style, then look no further than the innovative and proven-to-be effective mosquito device from, which emits a high-pitched buzzing tone that will discourage young people and teenagers from vandalizing your property.

Mosquito devices are one of the most effective ways to discourage and reduce anti-social behavior and are worth taking a closer look at. You will also need to ensure that you have a fully functional video surveillance system covering the entire perimeter of your building.

Report to the Police

Unfortunately, many people across the entire United States are, for various reasons, reluctant to report an act of vandalism to the police, and even though it is fairly accurate to state that, of course, not each perpetrator will be caught, there is zero chance of justice if you do not let the police know.

The role of a police officer and your local sheriff’s department is to protect citizens from crime, so do remember that no act of vandalism is too small to be reported to the local authorities.

Hire a Security Guard

Finally, if your business has the funding to justify it, if you are worried about the security of your commercial building and have experienced more than one act of random vandalism or graffiti, then hiring a security guard is probably your best bet.

Hiring a security guard from a reputable and renowned firm is even more viable if your building contains expensive equipment or stores personal and private customer data. Moreover, a night security guard is virtually necessary for construction sites.

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