
How Can You Choose An SEO-Friendly Domain Name?

In the circumstances when you are getting started with a new website, one of the most vital decisions you may make today is selecting the right domain name. For a few years now, SEO tacticians have come up with many practices to assist in gaining higher rankings on domain names and search engines, which is a factor that is believed to play a significant part in the website traffic game.

Understandably, every website owner who is in search for domains wants something that is SEO-friendly. You are in the right place if you are one of those individuals. In this blog, we will look at how you can select an SEO-friendly domain name.

1. Include Only Relevant Keywords

Choosing an SEO-friendly domain name is vital for optimizing your website’s search engine. The first thing you need to ensure is to include only the relevant keywords. Not only do these keywords have to be relevant, but they should be able to help your business out, so make sure the keywords are connected to your niche.

The keywords in the domain name may give search engines an idea of the website’s content and enhance the possibility of higher ranking for those keywords.

2. High-Level Extensions

Before you even get excited and go ahead and make that purchase, you must know which domain extension can complement your business the most. If we are to speak statistics, over 1000 domain extensions are available right now. And yes, it is very confusing to choose from, especially if you are someone who is launching a website for the first time. The three popular extensions are the .com, .org, and, .net. However, if you have or are launching a website for blogs or businesses, it is highly recommended that you go with the .com extension.

3. Keyword Domain Names

Take these examples: or You see, with both of these websites, keywords are infused in the domain name. Since keywords are the bricks of SEO, it is understandable that some website owners prefer domain names that state what they do and where they are.

You are right if you think that keyword content is essential. Even then, Google devalues precise matching domain names if they do not have quality keyword content on the website to back it up. In the experts’ opinion, if you are sure that you wish to utilize keywords in the domain, they suggest maintaining your brand. By doing that, you will have both aspects covered.

4. Short Domain Names

Simple and short domains are generally easier to type and remember for the audiences or target audiences. In any instance, you should avoid using complex and long domain names, which may lead to confusion or misspellings.


So there you have it! Now, when you search for domains, all you need to do is remember these points. By doing that, you will easily choose an SEO-friendly domain name.

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