
How to Get More People Listening to Your Podcast

Have trouble growing your audience on your podcast? Then it’s your lucky day! We’re here to ensure your hard work doesn’t go unrewarded. 

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To start with, you aren’t the only one facing issues regarding reaching more people through a podcast. Getting more people to listen to your podcast is a little time-consuming and complicated process. But this is not impossible, and we will tell you how to do it!

How to Make People Listen to Your Free or Paid Podcast

Whether you are doing a podcast to pass your time or if it is a paid project, your priority should be to gain as many listeners as you can. Sounds difficult, but you can generate podcast subscriptions by following these guidelines.

Find the Right Platform for Your Podcast

One of the initial steps is to reach out to as many people as possible. For this purpose, you’ll likely go through a list of podcasting platforms like Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, and more. 

But the thing is, relying on one platform (or maybe a couple of them) won’t get you traction as anticipated. Plus, managing multiple podcasting platforms can be difficult. 

So, how can you make your podcast accessible from multiple platforms without too much effort? You can subscribe to podcast subscription platforms like Supercast. 

These platforms are meant to optimize your audience on multiple podcast players. Apart from this, podcast subscription platforms offer many other features to make your podcast stand out in terms of quality and engagement.  

Understand What Your Audience Want

When you’re done with your research, it’s time to focus on what your audience wants to listen to. If they don’t like what you’re offering, your subscription won’t increase as much as you’d have thought. No one who comes across your podcast will stick long enough. 

So, you need to make some headway and try working on your content so that people instantly fall in love with it.

Relevance is the Key

Think about the subject matter. Is the content engaging and relatable? Is it targeting the audience’s pain points or not? 

See if your podcast has these three elements:

  • Problem-solving: Your podcast should provide a solution to a common problem.
  • Engaging: Engage your listener so that they relate to what you’re saying.
  • Consistent: Create content consistently. If you stop posting, your listeners will stop looking forward to your latest episodes.

You should understand your target audience to the core. This way, you can easily figure out how to make them stick around.

How to Get More Listeners for Your Podcast

Now that you know how to make your podcast stand out, let’s discuss how you can grow your audience.

  1. Start With Your Podcast Trailer

Having a podcast trailer pinned to the top of your channel will make a lot of difference. And it’s crucial regardless of whether you have an established podcast or a new one. Unfortunately, several people new to podcasts don’t take launching a trailer seriously. 

Your podcast trailer works just like a movie trailer, helping people make their minds beforehand. So, your trailer should be informative. It should have these elements:

  • Your introduction
  • Topic introduction
  • Your guest’s introduction

You can also use snippets from your episode to entice your listeners. This way, they will be intrigued to watch the full episode and listen to what you’re talking about in full disclosure.

  1. Leverage Social Media

Did you know that according to Forbes, there were more than 115 million podcast listeners in the USA alone? The number is said to grow in the years 2022 and 2023. 

So, there is a massive audience out there you can reach out to and ensure they become your subscribers. But how do you do that?

You use social media to your advantage. As of now, 4.62 billion people from around the globe have registered on social media, according to a statistics report

Of course, we are not suggesting you can reach out to all the registered accounts. But you can surely try to maximize your reach to a small part of that.

Sign up on Instagram, Facebook, or even Twitter and reach out to more audiences. This way, you can provide your followers with updates regarding new episodes, such as: 

  • What will you be talking about? 
  • Who is your next guest going to be?

Using these channels, you can ask them what they would like to listen to on your podcast. This way, you will know what your audience is looking for, and you can keep them engaged.

  1. Use CTAs (Call-To-Action)

Using CTA at the end of an episode effectively makes your listeners do a few things. You can ask them to:

  • Subscribe to your channel.
  • Leave a like on your video.
  • Provide you with their feedback by commenting.
  • Share your podcast with friends and family.

Use the CTA button smartly on your website, so your audience is compelled to click it. You can add funny taglines or leave them with an inspiring quote so they’d come back to your channel.

Ask them to share your podcast with more people who would enjoy listening to it. You can also ask them to write an honest review about your podcast on other podcast sites. This will improve your chances of gaining more audience for your podcast.

  1. Maximize Podcast SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is just as essential for your podcast as it is for your blog or website. A new audience can never find you on search engines if you haven’t done SEO for your podcasts.

The best part is that Google shows relevant podcasts according to keyword research with the new algorithm. So, if there are listeners searching topics closely related to yours, they can easily find you. 

All you have to do is ensure your podcast is search engine optimized. Don’t forget to use targeted keywords in the episode title of your podcast. Also, write short descriptions for your episodes containing relevant keywords to improve your discoverability.

  1. Invite Renown Guests

Last but one of the foolproof ways to get more people to listen to your podcast is by inviting people with an audience of themselves. We are not suggesting that you call in celebrities from showbiz. But you can invite social media celebrities, influencers, vloggers, and other podcasters.

When you invite someone with a social media audience, the guest will share the podcast they had with you on their platform. This will drive more traffic to your channel because the people who follow your guest will also be intrigued to listen to you.

This can help you reach out to a newer audience that might not have even known you. You can also appear on others’ podcasts as yourself and let their podcast’s audience drive to yours.

Final Words

It may seem difficult initially to drive more audience to your podcast. But if you adhere to the tips mentioned in this post, you’ll surely succeed. It’s a time taking process.

If your audience wants to stick around and resonate with what you’re sharing, you need to be patient. 

Keep engaging with your listeners. Keep talking about things that matter to them and make them relate to your words. Do what you’re doing, and be consistent with it.

Happy podcasting!

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