
How To Stay Awake While Driving

How To Stay Awake While Driving

driving. Drowsy driving is clearly dangerous, but just think how much more dangerous it would be to fall asleep at the wheel!

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Whether you are a regular long-haul driver, or you are planning a big trip, you need to ensure you are not drowsy driving and certainly not falling asleep at the wheel. In this guide, we’ll give you some tips on how to stay awake and hold your focus for the entirety of your journey.

Read on to ensure you don’t put your and other people’s lives in danger on the road. 

Drink Coffee

If you want to stay awake while driving, coffee is a good idea! It’s readily available and its caffeine content can help you shake off your drowsiness and focus on driving, too.

If you don’t like coffee so much, why not opt for a quick espresso shot so you don’t have to keep drinking it? Also to make it more palatable, you can add milk or cream and sugar.

Keep in mind that too much caffeine can make you shaky, give you a headache, make your heart rate go up, and a whole bunch of other symptoms. So stick to just one or two cups at most. 

Also, it might be a good idea to stop and drink your coffee. The reason for this is it can take 15 minutes to kick in. Plus, drinking coffee at the wheel is a form of distracted driving, which can be dangerous.

Your chances of crashing are going to increase a lot if you are drowsy and distracted driving at the wheel, so pull over and take a coffee break!

Another form of distracted driving is texting at the wheel. We urge you: don’t text and drive, either!

Grab an Energy Drink

If you’re really not a fan of coffee, then an energy drink is another good option for staying awake while driving. The great thing about energy drinks is they can contain coffee but often also other stimulants to keep you awake and provide you with an energy boost.

Stimulants in energy drinks other than caffeine can include:

  • Guarana
  • Taurine
  • L-carnitine

Guarana is a plant stimulant that is native to the Amazon region of the world. Taurine is an organic compound stimulant that the human body can produce. L-carnitine is also a compound that most mammals produce and it can keep you awake and give you energy when long-distance driving, for example. 

This Is How to Stay Awake While Driving

The answer to the “how to stay awake while driving” question is pretty clear: you need stimulants. You can opt for traditional stimulants like caffeine in coffee or you can opt for energy drinks to keep you awake and focused.

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