
Jooble Jobs: Top 7 tips for finding your dream job or career on Jooble

Jooble makes it possible for you to find your dream job with ease. However, following these guidelines will make it easier for you to find the job you are looking for and even faster in United States of America (USA), Australia, South Africa, India, France, Ireland, Pakistan, Nigeria, United Kingdom etc.

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What is Jooble?

Jooble is a leading online platform for jobs which currently operates in more than 71 countries Globally. The Jooble brand since its inception from 2006 has been able to stay focus to their true goal and expanded to so many parts of the world.

In fact, they are available in Europe, Asia, Middle East, North America, South America, Oceania and Africa.

Today you can find various categories of job sectors listed on Jooble to make it easy for you or the job finder to view their choice of job by selecting the category which is associated to it.

Ultimate tips for finding job on Jooble

Jooble website is straight forward and easy to use. Nevertheless, let me take you through simple steps that can be of great use to helping you find your dream job.

Step 1: Even though you may be lucky to have multiple job specialties but for the benefit of this article we would ask you to settle on one job first. For example, “Truck Driver”.

Step 2: Enter your job area in the search area of Jooble website and choose your location next to it, like shown in the image below.

Step 3: Filter the available jobs with date of publication and choose minimum of 3 days. (This is to ensure that the job is recent and not much applicants has already applied for the job)

Step 4: Filter the available jobs with the salary they are willing to pay. I believe you have a fair idea of salary you would want to be paid for the job you are looking for. Jooble has already predefined job salaries which the employers are willing to pay, you are select from that or you can choose “Other” to input your own price range.

Step 5: Some employers are very interested in the working experience of who they are looking to employ, if you have no working experience choose internship, choose any experience if you already have some working experience.

Step 6: Personally, I think the closer the job to you the better it is. So, finding a job closer to you must ideally be the first choice and if you find nothing, you can then extend the miles to broaden the search area. Like shown in the image below, if you choose Remote job, it means you are looking to work away from the physical office and this ideal for Virtual Assistant, Online Teacher, Online Translators and others.

If you choose any of the other locations, it means you are willing to work in a physical office space.

Step 7: Before you set out to look for any job, you already know schedules and hence very aware of the employment type that will best suit you. Like shown in the image below, you can choose to be served with employment types that are Full-time, Part-time and Temporary.

Benefits of filter feature on Jooble

The filter feature on Jooble helps you to narrow down to the specific job and employment type you are looking for. This is very important because it reduces your search struggle on Jooble.

Can I create a job search website like Jooble?

Unlike many other job search websites, Jooble is very advanced and required a lot skills and resources to create. We don’t doubt your competences and capabilities. Perhaps you are the type that is able to get things done with some few tutorials. We found an article that clearly explains how to create a job board website. It provides successful examples and discusses the job board market.

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