
Noble silver: Why hiding grey hair is no longer fashionable

Natural grey hair is in fashion today! Hollywood stars, famous bloggers and people who know how to see and appreciate natural beauty refuse to hide grey hair. Why hair turns grey, how it changes, how to stop dyeing your hair and look great – in our article.

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Fashion for grey hair: how this trend appeared

Today’s fashion for naturally grey hair is a reflection of a whole layer of changes in society, which concern not only the attitude to appearance. Interestingly, these changes were started by the so-called ageism, i.e. prejudice towards people of age on the part of younger people. Signs of ageism can still be observed in various spheres of life. For example, it can be more difficult for a mature person to get a job in certain positions, and the appearance of ageing models in fashion shoots is still perceived as something unusual.

Nevertheless, changes in public consciousness are already evident. Ageism is being replaced by its opposite – pro-age: respect for age, acceptance of oneself and others without desperate attempts to appear younger. And the fashion for grey hair is one of the proofs of this.

If a few decades ago the appearance on the red carpet of a famous actress with unpainted grey hair would have rather caused a discussion, today it surprises almost no one, and often even delights the public. Stars, popular bloggers and other people who are called trendsetters, i.e. those who influence the formation of public opinion, are increasingly proud to wear completely grey hair or show natural grey in their hair. And it doesn’t matter how old a person is – 70, 40 or 30, because we go grey at different ages. And although you can start colouring your hair at any point in your conscious life, you can stop at any time, although in the first few months you will most likely need the help of professional hairdressers. 

Fans of bold experiments professional stylists recommend an original way – to grow only a few centimetres of grey hair and make a very short haircut. Perhaps, the new image will help you look brighter and fresher – it often happens.

Why we go grey

The reasons for the appearance of grey hair can be different. First of all, it is age, and how early a person starts to turn grey is largely genetically determined. Grey hair that begins to appear between the ages of 35-45 is considered a normal physiological change.

It can also be caused by stress. Scientists agree that it is almost impossible to go grey under the influence of strong emotions in a very short period of time, for example, in a day or night. But a strong one-step stress can affect the general state of the body, including the work of melanocytes, and over the next few months among the gradually regrowing hair may appear more grey hair. Prolonged or repeated stress can also cause a gradual increase in the amount of grey in the hair. 

Other reasons for the appearance of grey hair can be improper diet, lack of a number of vitamins, minerals and other substances, and even taking certain medications. Plus – disorders in the body and diseases, most often – endocrine.

How hair changes with the appearance of grey hair

In grey hair there is no melanin pigment, so their main difference from non-grey hair is the change in colour. More precisely, they lose their colour, becoming white, greyish or slightly yellow. But this is not the only thing that distinguishes grey hair from their counterparts who have not yet suffered this fate.

The structure of the hair also changes somewhat. As the hair loses the pigment that filled it and turns grey, it becomes more friable and porous. This may mean a slight increase in the thickness of each hair. It may mean that the hair becomes more lush and sometimes, as it greys, it becomes wavy. However, an increase in the volume of grey hair can be offset by a decrease in the total amount of hair: hair follicles become less robust over the years, and new hair grows in place of the hair that has fallen out. But these are age-related changes that can affect even those who have no grey hair at all.

No matter how old you are or how much grey hair you have, you should definitely not be upset about it. Rather, consider this change in appearance as a unique highlight for your new style.

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