
Simi Green – Facial, Pics, Bio, Age, Height, Wiki, Net Worth

Simi Green Wiki, Age, Height, Bio, Wikipedia, Facial, Pics

Simi Green is a Czech actress and model. He was born on July 17, 1987, in Prague, Czech Republic. Simi is mainly known for acting in videos and web scenes, and today we will learn about the early life, career, personal life, body measurements, etc., of the actress in Simi Green’s biography. So let’s start now.

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Prague-born Simi started her career in the entertainment industry in 2005 at the age of 18 and did her first shoot with the film studio ‘DDF’. After this, she also worked as an actress with other film studios and these film studios mainly include Sunset Media, Northstar Associates and DDF.

Apart from film studios, Simi has also performed in videos with various famous actresses of the film industry and these actresses mainly include Christina Jolie and Natalli DiAngelo. Talk about social media handles, currently Simi is not active on any social media handle.

In Czech

Simi Green je česká herečka a modelka. Narodil se 17. července 1987 v Praze, Česká republika. Simi je známá především hraním ve videích a webových scénách a dnes se v biografii Simi Green dozvíme o raném životě, kariéře, osobním životě, tělesných mírách atd. herečky. Tak začněme hned.

Pražská rodačka Simi začala svou kariéru v zábavním průmyslu v roce 2005 ve věku 18 let a poprvé natáčela s filmovým studiem ‘DDF’. Poté také spolupracovala jako herečka s dalšími filmovými studii a mezi tato filmová studia patří především Sunset Media, Northstar Associates a DDF.

Kromě filmových studií Simi vystupovala také ve videích s různými slavnými herečkami filmového průmyslu, mezi které patří především Christina Jolie a Natalli DiAngelo. Mluvte o úchytech sociálních médií, v současné době není Simi aktivní na žádném úchytu sociálních médií.

Personal Biography

Name/UsernameSimi Green
Other NameSimi Green xxx
NationalityCzech Republican
CountryCzech Republic
Date of BirthJuly 17, 1987
Zodiac SignCancer
Net worth$800,000

Her Appearance and Body Measurement

Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorGreen
Height in inches5′ 4″
Height in Centimeters162 cm
Weight in lbs.112 lbs.
Weight in Kilogram51 kg
Body typeAverage body size

Career and Social Media

InstagramNot knownunder review
TwitterNot knownunder review
OnlyfansNot knownunder review

Onlyfans charges

1 monthNot available

Frequently asked questions

What is the relationship status of Simi Green?

Her relationship status is “Taken”.

Age: How old is Simi Green?

Her birthday falls on July 17. Her age now is 36 years old.

Where is Simi Green from and her nationality?

Simi Green comes from Czech Republics, and her nationality is Czech Republican.

What is the net worth of Simi Green?

Well, Simi Green net worth can be predicted to be within the range of $800,000.

What is the valid Twitter account of Simi Green?

Her valid Twitter account is not available

What is the valid Instagram account of Simi Green?

Her valid Instagram account is not available

What is the height and weight of Simi Green?

Her height is 5’4″ and her weight is 112 lbs.


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