
Tips Stardew Valley Earth Crystal and how to get it

Yes, an Earth Crystal is indeed a type of mineral. You can find it by searching in The Mines, particularly on floors 1-39. It can also be obtained from Geodes and Omni Geodes, dropped by Duggies on floors 1-29, dropped by Haunted Skulls, or by panning. You can also find it in Fishing Treasure Chests.

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When you defeat Wilderness Golems on the Wilderness Farm map, there is a very small chance (0.05%) that they will drop an Earth Crystal.

Bombs have the ability to destroy Earth Crystals.

Name Earth Crystal
Source The mines
Omni Geode
Duggy (10%)
Hunted Skull (1.30%)
Sell price 50g
Gemologist 65g


Earth Crystal is used in the Geologist’s Bundle in the Boiler Room


Name DescriptionIngredientsRecipe Source
Mayonnaise Machine Turns Eggs Into Mayonniase Wood (15)
Stone (15)
Earth Crystal(1)
Copper Bar (1)
Farming Level 2


To buy the Earth Obelisk from the Wizard’s Tower, you’ll need an Earth Crystal.

Name Descriptioncost Size
Earth Obelisk Warps you to the mountains500,000g
Iridium Bar  (10)
Earth Crystal (10)


Earth Crystal is used in the spool of the Sewing Machine to create a Shirt. It can be used in dyeing, serving as an orange dye at the dye pots, located in Emily’s and Haley’s house, 2 Willow Lane.


  • Earth Crystal may be randomly requested during any season at the outside for a reward of 150g and 150 points.
  • Earth Crystal are requested by Stonefish in a Fish Pond quest to increase the capacity of the pond from 3 to 5.
  • 1-2 Earth Crystal may be requested by Bullhead, Catfish, Largemouth Bass, or Midnight Carp in a Fish Pond quest to increase the capacity of the pond from 5 to 7.

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