
USA Zip Code : United States of America, US

Zip Code, State Code, Area or City Code is one that becomes necessary whether you want to send a parcel, sign up to some web services or Apps wherever you find yourself in the United States. Making phone calls outside the United States would also require that you put the zip code of the country of which you are making the call to, To the phone number. Every country in this world does not matter the size of the country has its own unique zip code.

What is the Zip Code of USA?

United States of America zip code is “001 “

While some countries have as many as 5 digits as their zip code, United States of America has 3 digits as its zip code and that is 001.


What is a Zip Code?

Zip codes are; Numbers or Numbers + Letters that are given to countries and states within countries for easy identification by Web / App Services, Mailing / Shipping Services, Telecommunication Services etc. So normally you would notice that if you want to send a parcel to someone either with United State or outside united states the recipients address will have zip code included in it.

Is United States America (USA) Zip Code Same as my State Code?

USA zip code is 001 which is 3(Three) digits and it is different from every state in the country, for example a state like New York has a zip code of 10001, California has 90001, Texas has 70001 etc. which has 5(Five) digits and can be seen clearly different from the zip code of USA.

Foreign Calls; Which Zip Code Should I Use?

To Receive a Call;

No matter your state in the United States to receive a call from abroad there is only one zip code that will be required and that is 001 or +1.  The caller you will be receiving the call from will have to add 001 before your phone number. Example if your number is ( xxx xxx xxxx  ) then the caller will have to make it 001xxx xxx xxx  or +1xxx xxx xxxx

To Make a call;

Here you will need zip code of the country you are making the call to, and add that to the phone number of the person you are calling, like we did in the example above.

Uses of Zip Code

Mail services: This is the most general use of zip codes and postal codes.

Delivery services: used for internal routing of a package.

Statistics: There are over 42000 zip codes in the United States, for example. Zip codes are used for more than just sending mail; they’re often used to compile statistics.

Internet purposes: You will often find zip code under most education or eCommerce website registration page.

Credit card security IP codes can also be used for credit card authorization.

The United States Postal Service created ZIP Codes, which are five-digit numbers that mark individual post offices throughout the country. The postal code scheme of the United States is known as a ZIP Code. The 5-digit ZIP Code is divided into three sections: the national area, the state or city, and the distribution area. The nation has been divided into ten ZIP Code areas by the United States Postal Service (USPS). They are numbered 0-9. They begin in the northeast.

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