
What are good prospects for foreigners in Cracow?

The former capital of Poland is famous for its beautiful architecture and unique atmosphere. However, this old, admirable city has much more to offer. It is worth considering not only as an interesting place for a trip but also as an emigration destination for study or business purposes. Find out, what are good prospects for foreigners in Cracow!

Education in Cracow – learning perspectives 

Cracow is one of the most student-friendly cities in Poland. It houses five universities that are often included in the lists of the best universities in Central Europe:

  • Jagiellonian University
  • AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Cracow University of Economics 
  • Cracow University of Technology 
  • University of Agriculture

Studying in Cracow is a wonderful opportunity to get to know a new culture and to freely exchange thoughts not only with Poles but with students from all over the continent or even the globe. Cracow’s universities educate highly qualified specialists in various fields, and they also cooperate with international corporations. As a result, graduates can find employment after graduation much easier and have many opportunities for professional development.

Work in Cracow – job perspectives 

In recent years, even despite the crisis, the Polish labor market is favorable to employees. There is a particularly high demand for specialists from the construction, IT, engineering, analytics, and business services sectors. Recruiters are particularly eager to accept candidates who are fluent in English. Knowledge of an additional foreign language is also highly desirable because many multinational corporations are operating in Cracow from Germany, France, Scandinavia etc.

Although the services sector has the highest number of vacancies, other branches also offer many opportunities. There are plenty of offers in different industries, including chemicals, coal mining, food processing, iron and steel, glass, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, and textiles.

Business in Cracow – perspectives for the development of economic activities

Cracow is also one of the largest BPO and SSC (business process outsourcing & shared services centers) in Europe. This means that entrepreneurs from this city are focused on cooperation with other entities. Many companies carry out delegated tasks from corporations from another country. There are many benefits to such international partnership. It allows to open up to other markets, expand target group, increase brand recognition, and maximize profits.

Cracow is also the perfect place for events that help businesspeople, scientists, and investors establish valuable relationships. Excellent location in the center of Europe, beautiful surroundings and an extraordinary atmosphere are conducive to the exchange of thoughts, ideas, and the creation of innovative solutions.

Are you looking for a place to organize an academic or business meeting? You can get more information at this link:

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