
5 major differences between a pig and a hog

There is no doubt that a pig and a hog look alike. The word pig is largely known by many people than a hog and this can be attributed to the fact that hogs are kept in an organize space for rearing purposes until they are ready for market whiles pigs are always sold for meat purposes.

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Overview of Pig and Hog


A wild or domestic pig is a mammal belonging to the Suidae family. Pigs refer to all domestic pigs in the United Kingdom, whereas hogs refer to immature swine not yet ready for sale and measuring less than 82 kg (180 pounds) in the United States. Pigs are omnivorous animals with thick skin that is generally sparsely covered with small bristles. They have a robust body, short legs, and thick skin. They have two functioning and two unusable fingers on their hooves. Wild populations of domestic North American pigs can still be found in European, Asian, and North African forests.

View below for some facts about pigs

Yes, it is correct! Pigs are the fifth most intellectual mammal on the planet, with the intelligence of a human infant. Pigs, in fact, are cleverer and easier to train than any dog breed. In just two weeks, they remember their names and respond when called. Pigs can even outperform some primates when it comes to video gaming.

Pigs memories are fantastic. They have long-term memories and can recognize and recall items.

The pig’s nose has the largest concentration of touch receptors. It is mostly used by pigs to dig in the ground and detect food. The sense of smell of a pig is roughly 2000 times more sensitive than that of a human.


In the United States of America, a hog is referred to as a pig, particularly one that has been allowed to grow enormous in order to be eaten particularly if you weigh more than 120 lbs (54 kilograms).

Whiles in United Kingdom, a male pig that has had his sexual organs removed and is being maintained for its flesh.

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