
Stardew Valley Marnie’s Ranch

Marnie’s Ranch lies at the southwest entrance to Pelican Town, in the northeast corner of Cindersap Forest. Marnie, along with her niece Jas and nephew Shane, live at the Ranch.

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Except on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fall 18, and Winter 18, Marnie’s shop is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily.

Even while the shop is closed, the Ranch house is open from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Summary of Marnie’s Ranch

Open hours9:00am to 4:00pm
(Building open 9am to 6pm)
ClosedMonday, Tuesday
(building remains accessible)
OccupantsMarnie, Jas, Shane

Marnie’s Shop Inventory

HayDried grass used as animal food.50g
HeaterKeeps your animals warmer and happier during the winter.2,000g
Milk PailGather milk from your animals.1,000g
ShearsUse this to collect wool from sheep1,000g
Auto GrabberAutomatically harvests from your animals each morning. Must be placed inside a coop or barn.
Becomes available at Farming Level 10
Ornamental Hay BaleA decorative piece for your farm.250g
Golden EggA very rare and special egg with a solid gold shell.
Becomes available once perfection is achieved


NameDescriptionPriceBuilding Required
ChickenWell cared-for adult chickens lay eggs every day. Lives in the coop.800gCoop
CowAdults can be milked daily. A milk pail is required to harvest the milk. Lives in the barn.1,500gBarn
GoatHappy adults provide goat milk every other day. A milk pail is required to harvest the milk. Lives in the barn.4,000gBig Barn
DuckHappy adults lay duck eggs every other day. Lives in the coop.1,200gBig Coop
SheepAdults can be shorn for wool. Sheep who form a close bond with their owners can grow wool faster.
A pair of shears is required to harvest the wool. Lives in the barn.
8000gDeluxe Barn
RabbitThese are wooly rabbits! They shed precious wool every few days. Lives in the coop.8000gDeluxe Coop
PigThese pigs are trained to find truffles! Lives in the barn.16,000gDeluxe Barn


  • Marnie won’t sell animals if the building associated is under construction or during an upgrade.
  • It is possible to see what color animal you will receive before paying for it. When asked to select which building your animal will stay in, the note at the top of the screen will reveal which color the animal it is. Canceling the purchase at that point will return you to the purchase menu.


Mayor’s “Shorts” – Mayor Lewis’ purple shorts can be found in Marnie’s room.

Rainbow Shell Stardew Valley

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