
The importance of asset maintenance

importance of asset maintenance

As technology advances and maintenance, and engineering develops, the numerous advantages of investing in asset management as a strategic tool to optimize work and increase business competitiveness and profitability become more apparent. Maintenance managers who insist on letting failures happen, choosing to deal with emergency fixes, put production at risk and waste time and resources. Therefore, it is essential that to avoid losses and headaches, companies understand the importance of applying some tools.

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A property is a vital system that is made up of machines, equipment, systems, and facilities that have evolved, becoming increasingly sophisticated, requiring a maintenance process and more rigorous work by the maintenance manager to guarantee a long life cycle. The long life cycle contributes to the company’s operational efficiency and resource savings.

The importance of asset maintenance

Corrective Maintenance

It is carried out unexpectedly, it occurs when an unexpected failure occurs and implies the need to repair the equipment before being able to use it. In this sense, this maintenance implies being resolved in the shortest possible time to avoid possible material damage and even economic losses. Manuals such as Dewalt DXFRS800 Walkie Talkie Manual are very needed.

Preventive Maintenance

In this phase, the aim is to maintain the operating systems at a certain level of service in the equipment, scheduling the interventions of their vulnerable points at the most opportune moment and thus avoid possible additional costs, it occurs in a cyclical and programmed way, regardless of the condition of the active and to avoid breakdowns and minimize the consequences of equipment collapses. The advantage of preventive maintenance carried out on equipment under normal operating conditions is that minor equipment problems can be found, corrected, and anticipated before they cause failure, which in turn results in lower costs per unit. Preventive tasks include actions such as physical and logical cleaning of the installed systems, and a thorough review of the equipment, cabling, connections, and service configuration, which will guarantee the proper functioning and reliability of the equipment throughout the contract. Not having it could cause higher costs due to loss of information or physical assets that may even become irreparable.

Predictive Maintenance

Seeking that the operation of an asset is increasingly optimal and can save resources, this maintenance seeks to know and permanently inform the state and operability of the facilities and systems by knowing the values ​​of certain variables, representative of such state and operability using advanced techniques such as vibration analysis, oil analysis, acoustic, infrared tests or thermal imaging. There are several methodologies and software that help the maintenance manager to control expenses, schedule activities in an optimized (and even automated) way, and predict failures to reduce unexpected stops in production. These techniques, when implemented in the routine analysis and care of the equipment, influence the success of the company, since they keep it up to date with market trends, make the environment safer for employees, and increase the profits, improving your competitiveness.

The positive impact that technological tools have on the various sectors of the industry, including maintenance, is clear. By automating processes through technology, the manager allows the team to invest efforts in the tasks that really matter, avoiding errors and eliminating waste of time and resources. This automation, carried out by an online asset monitoring software, offers, among other fundamental benefits, a better organization of maintenance activities, allows the programming of work orders, the monitoring, and analysis of equipment, the useful life of each part, the presence of important manuals like Lennox Split Air Conditioner Manual, the calculation of the productivity of the machinery, etc.

The most important tool is a good manager 

The techniques and solutions bring excellent results to the assets and the maintenance sector, as long as they are led by a manager who thinks strategically and understands the importance of using technology and predictive maintenance to extend the useful life of the equipment, improve its performance, optimize teamwork and avoid downtime. One of the best strategies for the plan is the use of online monitoring software for the machines, since they detect most of the information necessary to evaluate the assets, other times the software itself does the analysis and diagnosis itself.

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