
What Does It Mean to Be a Professional Nurse?

In medicine, as in any other practice, to be considered a good specialist and to call yourself that without a shadow of a doubt, it is not enough to be good at one thing. You need to be a professional in your field. In theory, this means having several specific traits and skills that make an excellent specialist an enviable professional who is welcome in any team and can count on successful career advancement. 

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Who Can Become a Professional Nurse?

As we know, anyone can become anyone, but a nurse, and more importantly, a professional nurse, can be someone who loves what they do. The preparation for nursing itself is a rather laborious and lengthy process that includes taking oral exams, completing internships, and regular essay writing nursing.

In studies and the future career, a person who wants to be a professional nurse must remember that patient care must come first. And we must also understand that nurse work is not a walk in the park. According to research, a nurse lifts about 4,000 pounds of various weights and walks about 5 miles per shift. And we have not yet mentioned the need to spend mental resources supporting patients and investing in professionalism – obtaining theoretical and practical skills!

Why Is Professionalism in Nursing So Important?

According to studies, approximately 86% of all patient contacts in the clinic are with nurses. This de facto means that nurses are the face of modern medicine, at the very least, have an enormous influence on the public’s opinion of the medical system. In addition, the patient’s morale and physical well-being in the clinic depend on how professionally the nurse performs their direct duties. 

You can’t smile and greet a patient politely but be unable to perform the necessary procedures and as clearly perform procedural duties and still be rude and unresponsive. There has to be a balance, and a professional nurse has to be equally good at communicating with the patient, encouraging them, getting important medical information from them for their medical history, and at the same time performing all the necessary procedures without mistakes. This directly affects the patient’s morale and physical health during their stay in the hospital. 

What Attributes Should a Professional Nurse Have?

A professional nurse fits perfectly into the “good person” description. This means that she possesses a set of positive moral qualities but also has the requisite level of academic knowledge. 

  • Empathy – Although a nurse encounters dozens of patients with different complaints and personalities every day, the ability to show kindness to everyone is the most critical characteristic of a professional nurse.
  • The desire to care – is more of an internal impulse and character trait, but the desire to care sets a good nurse apart.
  • Ease of communication – finding common ground with patients, doctors, and other nurses is a huge plus and advantage of a professional nurse.
  • Attentive – being able to notice the slightest change in a patient’s condition or be highly accurate while performing procedures is an indispensable quality of an excellent nurse
  • Stress tolerance – the ability to focus on doing one’s job and not endure personal problems is a huge advantage of a professional nurse.

These are not all skills that a professional nurse can benefit from. We can also add time management, commitment to patience, leadership, and a willingness to learn new things continually. 

How to Become a Professional Nurse?

Even the longest journey begins with the first step, so naturally, you need a specific education to become a professional nurse. You can do this by graduating from college or taking special nursing courses. There are now nearly three million certified nurses in the United States, and the profession still remains one of the most in demand. 

However, on your path to becoming a nurse and continuing throughout your career, in addition to caring for patients and performing regular tasks during shifts, you will need to deal with many writing assignments. It may be a condition of passing an exam or part of your job at the clinic. However, this takes up a tremendous amount of time and resources, and little is left after all of the above. 

To focus specifically on direct patient care and other clinic duties, most nurses use professional services with medical practitioners to help with essay writing nursing. In this case, the mandatory paperwork part of the job is supported by writing professionals, and the nurse can focus on improving her direct practice skills in the clinic. 

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