9 Ways to mentally refresh after a stressful day

Ruby McKenzie
11 Min Read

How often do you get stressed out at work or school? If you struggle with stress management, you should try some ways to relieve tension.

Stress affects everyone differently. Some people experience anxiety and panic attacks, whereas others cope well with pressure. Stressful situations can cause us to become anxious, angry, sad, depressed, or even aggressive.

There are several ways to manage stress effectively. The key is finding something that works for you. Try these techniques to reduce stress and stay calm.

Write down your thoughts.

Journaling your thoughts can serve as an effective way to process and manage your anxiety. When you write things down, it helps you think about them differently. You’ll start to notice patterns and connections you might otherwise miss.

Writing down your thoughts can also help you better identify what’s important in your life. If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take note of the things that are stressing you out. Then, make sure you spend time doing those activities regularly.

Listen to music

Music makes us happy and has proven to make us healthier. Music helps us relax, reduces stress, lowers our pulse, improves our mood, boosts creativity, and even increases productivity. So why not listen to some tunes while you work out, clean the house, do laundry, or just chill?

Researchers say music can help improve mental focus, increase relaxation, reduce anxiety, and boost energy levels. Some studies suggest that listening to music during exercise can lead to faster recovery times and improved performance.

A recent study found that people who listened to music performed better on cognitive tasks such as memory and attention than those who didn’t. Another study showed that people who listened to upbeat songs had higher self-esteem than those who listened to sadder ones. And one study found that people who worked while listening to music reported being happier and more productive than workers who did the same task without the tunes playing.

So there you go — now you know what to play next time you want to feel good.

Get some fresh air

Spending time outside has several benefits for our physical and mental well-being. Here are three ways spending time outdoors can make us happier, healthier, and smarter.

1. Vitamin D

The sun gives us a dose of vitamin D every day. This powerful vitamin supports bone growth, immune function, brain development, and mood. A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that people living near the equator had double the amount of vitamin D compared to those living farther away from the equator.

2. Get a fresh perspective

Sometimes simply feeling a breeze on your cheek can help wake up your senses and open your eyes. In one study, researchers asked participants to look out a window and notice what they saw. They found that just 15 minutes of exposure to nature resulted in improved attention and memory recall.

3. Fresh air helps to clear the head

One study found that we associate the green color with happiness, comfort, and hope. Researchers believe that it’s because the color green represents balance and harmony. When surrounded by greenery, we tend to feel calmer and less stressed.

Unplug from social media

Social media is a great way to connect with friends and family, but there are times when you just don’t want to be plugged into everyone else’s life 24/7. Sometimes, taking some time away from social media is necessary.

The problem with social media is that it often makes us feel guilty about being offline. We think we’re missing out on something important when really, what we’re doing is giving up the ability to multitask. When we’re online, we cannot focus on anything other than the task.

When we go offline, however, we’re able to switch gears and do things like reading books, writing letters, calling people, making art, etc., without feeling guilty.

Do a guided meditation.

Meditation is something many people struggle with, but there are plenty of apps and programs designed to make it easier. One of the best-known is called Headspace. This app offers a variety of different meditations, ranging from 10 minutes to 30 minutes long. They also offer a free trial period to try it out without paying anything. You can choose to listen to the meditation while sitting or lying down, and you can pause whenever you want to take a break. There are even some videos that let you see how others do it.

The app includes several other features, including a timer and stopwatch, reminders, a journal, and a library of audiobooks to listen to. If you find yourself distracted during a meditation session, you can use the timer feature to mark off the time you spend listening to the audiobook.

Another great option is Calm. Like Headspace, Calm offers a wide range of sessions, each lasting anywhere from five to 30 minutes. Unlike Headspace, however, Calm doesn’t include a timer or stopwatch. Instead, you just tap the screen to start and end the session. You can also set a daily reminder to remind you to go into a meditation session daily.

Calm also allows you to save multiple sessions, making it easy to pick up again later. And like Headspace, Calm offers both paid and free options. For $4.99 per month, you can download unlimited sessions and access them offline. Alternatively, you can pay $19.99 for a single session.

Spend some time with family or friends

When stressed out, it often feels like there isn’t enough time in our day to do everything we need to do. We try to squeeze in too many things at once and often forget about taking care of ourselves. But spending quality time with those closest to us helps us recharge and refocus. Studies show that people who regularly spend time with others tend to live longer and happier lives. So next time you find yourself struggling to keep up with life’s demands, take a moment to remember what matters most to you. You might just discover that you have more energy left over to tackle whatever else needs doing.

Read a book

Reading books can help you relax, escape reality and improve your life. There are many different types of books, each with different benefits. For example, reading fiction can give you some much-needed escapism, while reading nonfiction can make you smarter.

Take a nap

Sleep is often considered a luxury, something you do when you’re too tired to work anymore. But it turns out there are many benefits to taking naps throughout the day. Here are nine reasons why you should consider giving yourself some much-needed shut-eye.

1. Napping helps reduce stress levels.

When you sleep, your brain produces hormones called endorphins. These chemicals help relieve pain and stress. Studies show that people who take regular afternoon power naps report fewer headaches and less anxiety than those who don’t nap.

2. You’ll feel better about yourself.

You might think that sleeping during the day makes you lazy, but research suggests that having a good night’s rest improves self-esteem. When you wake up feeling refreshed, you’re likely to start each morning with a positive outlook, leading to improved moods and increased productivity.

3. Your memory will improve.

According to experts, one of the best ways to boost your memory is to give your mind a break. Sleep deprivation can cause inflammation in the body and affect blood flow to the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for storing memories. So getting a few hours of quality ZZZs daily can keep your brain sharp.


Exercise is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress. You don’t have to go to a fancy gym or do intense workouts to reap the benefits. A simple walk around the neighborhood or taking the stairs instead of the elevator are great options.

In addition to being physically beneficial, exercise can also give us mental relief. Studies show that people who regularly exercise are less stressed and anxious. This makes sense because physical activity keeps our bodies moving and burns off some energy. When we move, blood flow increases throughout the body, helping to release stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.

The best part about exercising is that it doesn’t require much effort. Even five minutes of walking daily can improve mood and lower anxiety levels. Try working out different muscle groups if you want to add a little variety to your routine. For example, lifting weights works many body parts, while running focuses on cardiovascular health.


There are so many ways to recharge after a long day at work mentally. It may seem like a lot of time to relax, but these activities could benefit you. Try incorporating them into your daily schedule and see how they change your life.

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