The trans flag is a symbol that signifies the identity of the LGBTQIA community. The first trans flag was developed in 1978 and it was very colorful. These flags are many and represent the LGBTQIA communities, their traditions, aims and inclusiveness.
These days, there are dozens of trans flags representing many identities, sexual purities and symbolism. These flags have many colours which can be linked to queer culture.
Today, we will be talking about the history of the trans flag.
The Gilbert Baker pride flag
This is the mother of all trans flags. The real pride flag was created in 1978 by Gilbert Baker, who was an activist and transsexual military officer. This trans flag has eight symbols and colours which have different meanings:Pink: Sex, Red: Life, Orange: Healing, Yellow: Sunlight, Green: Nature Torquise: Magic, Navy Blue: Harmony and Violet: Spirit.
The 1978-1979 Pride flag
This trans flag was created following Milks who was a gay activist. This pride flag symbolises hope and joy for the gay community. The design was made based on a free symbol for every member of the LGBTQIA community in San Francisco.
During the time of its production pink fabric, we’re scarce, that’s why it has seven stripes against the earlier versions of the LGBTQ flags.
Traditional Gay pride flag
After the production of the seven stripped trans flags, this trans flag was adapted again. It was during the heavy protest of Milks murder that led to the removal of the turquoise stripe. This flag has six colors and it could be split into equal halves. The trans flag will forever be linked to solidarity among LGBTQ groups around the USA.
Philadelphia pride flag
In 2017, a fresh pride flag was created in Philadelphia and was commissioned by the office of LGBTQ affairs to support the campaign ‘more color, more pride campaign. This trans flag was created to better represent the identity and the communities of queer people in the state.
These people have been marginalised by other gay members and need some type of inclusiveness. Earlier that year in Philadelphia, many gay people have faced investigations about being racially discriminated against at several bars.
This flag was raised outside the City Hall and it was clear that queer inclusion was final.
” Progress” Pride Flag
This is a trans flag that was inspired by Daniel Quasar, who is a graphic designer and transsexual. This Philadelphia pride flag was created to help stop marginalisation among queer communities in Oregon.
 This trans flag was released in 2018 and incorporates several colors of the trans pride flag. The flag includes an arrow which the designer claimed was his decision. Quaser said the arrow shows forward movement and that the gay community has been progressing in its objectives.
The Intersex-inclusive Progress trans flag
Another version of the trans flag is this pride flag from the intersex writer and gay activist, Valentino Vechhieti. This flag incorporates the designs of the 2012 intersex flag.
The gay community were very happy with this trans flag as can be seen on social media platforms where many intersex people have been happy they have been included in the gay community. Intersex people are sometimes not generally accepted as transsexuals, but this flag, shows many gay people count them as one.
Bisexual Flag
This trans flag was designed by gay activist Michael around 1998 and it has three colours that symbolises several aims of the community. The pink colour on the flag shows the attraction to the same sex, blue represents attraction to another gender, while the lavender stripe shows attraction to both genders.
Many gay proponents see this flag as a nice concept and worth expanding. This bisexual flag aims to show solidarity with bisexuals and not to enforce binary relationships.
Trans flags are symbolic because it shows the inclusiveness of some gender communities. These flags have many versions depending on the creator and their aims. The stripes on these flags have several meanings which the members wish to promote.