MUT Coins are the primary form of currency that can be earned and spent in Madden 23 Ultimate Team. On the other hand, in contrast to other games of its kind, you are unable to actually purchase coins; rather, you are required to earn them while playing the game.
You can buy Madden points in the store for roughly ten dollars for one thousand points, and you can then use these points to purchase packs, the contents of which you can then sell for coins. Madden points can be purchased in the store.

This ‘loot box’ style of feature has come under fire from a lot of people, particularly because many people believe that EA Sports games are pay-to-win.
The players who are just starting out should prioritize getting as many coins as they can as quickly as they can. This is the most important thing. It is necessary to build up your bank in order to purchase the players that you prefer and to obtain genuine stars in elite programs such as Rookie Premiere players and Headliners. Building up your bank requires a lot of time and effort.
Without having to resort to purchasing Madden points, I’m going to show you how to easily acquire coins in Madden 23 Ultimate Team in this walkthrough that you can check out right now. After all, gathering coins is the most efficient way to construct a team that will aid you in winning more games, and you can do this by building up your coin collection.
Play, Play, Play
Playing the game is the only way to earn coins in the long run, so it’s definitely worth it. You will need to actually play the game in order to earn coins, and the more you play, the more coins you will earn. Coins cannot be purchased with real money – not legally, at any rate – so you will need to play the game in order to earn them.
Every time you play Madden and log in, the game will give you a token of appreciation for your dedication to the franchise. The reward for doing so is typically a few hundred coins; however, if you continue to log in each day for an extended period of time, the amount of coins you receive will increase. On the other hand, accumulating coins in Madden 23 in this manner is not even close to being the quickest way to do so.
If you want a much quicker return on your investment, you should think about centering your efforts on challenges and goals. The amount of challenges and solo missions available in Madden 23 are plentiful, and the number of coins you earn from completing them is proportional to the level of difficulty you choose when you play the game. You have the opportunity to earn tens of thousands of coins as well as obtain exclusive players and packs if you complete the themed missions that are dispersed throughout the course of the NFL season. These missions can be found throughout the game.
For instance, the Headliners-themed missions include a total of twenty-five different challenges, each of which is based on one of the most iconic plays or players from a previous season. A desirable reward is waiting for you at the end of those tasks if you are successful in completing them. You can also earn a nice chunk of change by playing Madden competitively against other players and pitting your skills against those of other gamers. Other players can be found here.
Sell, Sell, Sell
When you play Madden 23 Ultimate Team, over the course of the game you will earn a large number of items and players, the vast majority of which you will never use. If you are like most people, you won’t even come close to using them all. Do not let those cards collect dust because each one of them has value that should not be wasted.
When most people think of selling something, they picture doing so at an auction house for tens of thousands of coins, and this is how they picture the process. On the other hand, quickly selling items that are relatively useless is a good way to make some additional coins while also clearing out your inventory at the same time. This is a win-win situation. It is only natural for you to hope that you will be able to sell all of your cards on the auction house for thousands of coins, but unfortunately, this is not something that can actually happen. In addition, you won’t be able to auction off the majority of the cards you get from completing challenges because those cards aren’t for sale.
Take a look at the bottom right hand corner of each of your cards; there ought to be a small box there with the letters BND written in it. These letters represent the word “bound” in its entirety. Due to the fact that the card is associated with your user account, you will not be able to sell it, trade it, or put it up for sale in an auction. Neither will any other player be able to do any of these things.
You should try auctioning off every card you own that isn’t marked with the BND symbol at least once on the auction house to see if you can get the highest possible return on your investment. On the other hand, if the card has a low rating (anything under 70), you probably won’t have much interest in it, and it might be more beneficial for you to just quick sell it instead of keeping it.
The vast majority of quick-sells will cost between 25 and 250 coins, with the average price falling somewhere in the middle. When you quickly sell a variety of different items, even though this might not seem like a lot of money at first, it adds up very quickly. Unfortunately, in Madden 23 Ultimate Team, you will not receive coins in return when you quickly sell the majority of your players. Instead, you will receive Training Points. However, you may still obtain coins from other types of items.
Invest your money in
It seems backwards and overly simplistic to suggest that you should spend coins in an article that is supposed to help you make coins more quickly. On the other hand, just like with actual investments, spending your coins wisely can result in significant returns in the long run. The economy of MUT functions in a manner that is, in many respects, not dissimilar to the way that the stock market does. You have the potential to quickly make some additional cash if you buy the “dip” on certain players.
You should make it a point to “buy the dip” whenever you come across a player on the auction house who is being sold for a price that is significantly lower than what he ought to be going for. You should be able to sell that card right away at a price that is closer to the average price of the market if there is still interest in the card and if the low price has not caused the market for that card to avalanche downward. If these two conditions are met, then you will have the ability to sell that card.
It should go without saying that the only type of investment you can make is not in the form of purchasing a player with the intention of immediately reselling them at a higher price. This is not the only type of investment you can make. You can also make an investment in your team by purchasing players who you believe will increase the number of games you win and the amount of coins you earn. This can be done in a couple of different ways. You also have the option of purchasing players whose prices are anticipated to increase in the following few days or weeks. It’s possible that people will need those players to complete certain objectives, or it’s also possible that they will simply want to include them in their team because of how well they’ve performed in real life. Either way, this will be the case. In Madden 23 Ultimate Team, there are many ways to earn coins. Which of the many ways there are to earn coins do you enjoy doing the most? Leave a comment below and tell us what you think about this topic!
When searching for players who can help you win, I strongly suggest that you take a look at these top cheap MUT options. I believe that they will be of assistance to you.